Wednesday, October 20, 2010

my 2 weeks

It started off
as an uncertain plan,
It went on
To be further planned and;
Mulled over and;
Fretted over.

Arguments and irritation,
Smiles and laughter's,
Love and hatred,

It turned out,
to be a months wait,
A definite wait.

It passed by with hopes,
Making up,

Its down to two weeks,
And the 2 weeks
seems to crawl pass,
What happens then,
is still uncertain

But I for one, know
the lack of distance
And the proximity
Will set all doubts clear,
All curves straight,

Turn all tears into smiles,
All sorrow into joy
All heartbreak into butterflies

The best 2 weeks of my life,
For 4 weeks ;)

The wait,
makes the living,
worth every minute of its second ;)


  1. awww....step for all the joy n happiness he brings to u, i adore him for that! the poems, the pictures and the way u narrate (more like "gush") wen u tell me in feels so good to know ur soo happy :) muaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!

  2. can i comment on riya'z comment..

    seriously i feel soooooooo glad dat such frendship exist n im seriously veryyy lucky to b 1 of d member among d group...

  3. touchwud n a loud cheersssssss to d friendship

  4. @riya, i love him for all the joy he brings too :)
    and i love you for simply loving me and bearing with me ;)

    @niki, im so glad ive got you guys.
    things seem to lighten up, at the mere thought of having you guys, no matter what happens!

    and yeach cheers to the friendship we share and touche,


nice people leave comments ;)